Monday 9 May 2011


The Lifeboat House wasn't open on the Cobble Landing at Filey, so my collection of Lifeboat photo's has stalled at an early stage. On the promenade, however, is an old WWII sea mine which is now being used as a collecting tin for The Shipwrecked SeaMariners Society. I remember these 'collecting mines' being quite common at seaside towns when I was younger, but you don't see them so often now. (I think there is one at Fleetwood too). Not sure how they get the money out though....
The second photo shows a flower bed in the town gardens which contains 5 stone blocks, believed to be pillar bases from a Roman construction. These were discovered on the Brig, which used to have a Roman Fort/lookout tower on it.Maybe these are something to do with that?

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